"Entrepreneurs & Professionals, with disAbilities".
Access 2 Accessibility's first program is Entrepreneurs & Professionals, with disAbilities. In 2018 we started with holding in-person networking sessions (Meet-Ups) where members share resources, learn accessibility in technology, and support each other.
Members may attend local in-person events in Mississauga and Toronto, or can join the Meet-Up group to connect and share online.
To join the Meet-Up click here:
Entrepreneurs and Professionals, with Disabilities (Mississauga, ON) | Meetup
The other resources we are looking to develop are in planning stages at the moment with a goal to develop in the near future. We believe that neither disability, nor distance, should hinder the success of people with disabilities. Access 2 Accessibility saw a gap in resources and supports for career minded individuals, and are looking to fill that gap. We are people with disabilities, supporting people with disabilities.
1. Develop a directory for people to find members of Entrepreneurs & Professionals, with disAbilities. The goal is to help our members by creating awareness/promote their products and services. Email Info@Access2Accessiblity.com if you are an entrepreneur or professional with a disability to be added to the resource page 'Find Entrepreneurs & Professionals, with disAbilities'. It's free to join as we continue our support to our community members.
2. Along with the Meet-Up page, Access 2 Accessibility has created a private group page for Entrepreneurs & Professionals, with Disabilities to allow for on-line connections, networking, and sharing of resources for members.
3. Develop our "Highlighting Entrepreneurs & Professionals, with disAbilities" Series on Access 2 Accessibility's YouTube Channel.
4. Develop a searchable app to find local entrepreneurs and professionals with disabilities. This will grow to include resource, products, services, and events for people with disabilities.
People with disabilities, visible and invisible, can be successful career professionals and entrepreneurs. Access 2 Accessibility is a growing a resource of support and awareness of these individuals. We feel with the promotion, support, and awareness of people with disabilities who are career minded that we can help empower their success.
Follow us on Social Media and visit our website often to stay up-to-date on the resources and events that Access 2 Accessibility offers.
Due to the pandemic all our events are currently on-line. We welcome you to join our free events in our Community Guest Speakers Series that can be found by clicking 'Events' at the top of this page.
Microsoft Store banner: Special Event. In right hand corner "Access 2 Accessibility Monthly MeetUp"