Our events on-line and in real life provide informational presentations, workshops, social interactions and more.
Click on the links in the Page Content below to jump ahead to that section on this page.
March 5th at 7:00pm - 8:00pm EDT
Entrepreneurship, a Good Career Choice for People with disAbilities
Free Hybrid Event for members.
Entrepreneurship may be a good career option for people with disabilities. In this MeetUp we will discuss the benefits of being your own boss. We will discuss the pros and cons to be considered, especially in relation to people with disabilities to be an entrepreneur.
This is a Hybrid Event. The in-person event will be held in the Video Conference Room at the Mississauga Hazel McCallion Central Library. This is a small venue with 10 spots available:
If you wish to attend virtually, please register on our MeetUp page:
Entrepreneurship, a Good Career Choice for People with disAbilities, Meetup
To become a member and join over 550 other Entrepreneurs & Professionals with disAbilities, click on this link:
Please note on day of event we do not check emails after 6:45 pm as we are then focusing on attendees and having presentation ready to go.
Once again, this year A2A will be contributing to the Mississauga Sports Council Sports Week 2025 events by delivering workshops on accessibility.
During March Break we will be joining MSC at the Erin Mills Town Centre, Mississauga. If in the area or looking for something to do with your kids drop by on the following days 11am - 3pm on the following days:
Saturday, March 15th
Access 2 Accessibility will be part of the Mississauga Sports Council's Leadership Stream Series. We are the 'Business Bonus' to the event by delivering a workshop on Alt Text.
We appreciate the Mississauga Sports Council (MSC) inviting Access 2 Accessibility to be part of MSC's growth and delivering Accessibility Inclusion.
To learn more about the Mississauga Sports Council (MSC): MSC Website link
Social Media and Marketing
This will be a virtual event.
We will be looking at how to use Social Media to grow your business and/or professional reputation.
Topics to be discussed:
More details to come.
This will be a virtual event.
Learn about what Access 2 Accessibility did in 2024 and hear about what we are planning for 2025.
More details to come.
Thursday, May 15, 2025
Help us celebrate the 14th Global Accessibility Awareness Day (GAAD)! The purpose of GAAD is to get everyone talking, thinking and learning about digital access and inclusion, and the more than One Billion people with disabilities/impairments.
Access 2 Accessibility is looking forward to delivering our 8th annual GAAD event. To date we are the only organization in Mississauga to host a GAAD event.
More details to come
Seniors Month is celebrated every June. Once again Access 2 Accessibility will be part of local celebrations and events:
Thursday, June 19. 9:00am - 11:00am EST
Ward 9 Seniors Information Fair.
Access 2 Accessibility has been providing their 'Community Guest Speaker Series' since 2020.
Guest speakers provide insight to various topics of interest for people with disabilities and older adults. These presentations are delivered in a live virtual interactive format.
If you are interested in being a guest speaker, please contact us at Info@Access2Accessibility.com
Would you, or someone you know, like to be a presenter on A2A's Community Guest Speaker Series (live virtual events)?
Do you have a topic of interest that you would like A2A to do a presentation on in our Community Guest Speakers Series?
email us at: Info@Access2Accessibility
We look forward to bringing speakers and presentations that are of interest to YOU.
We have been hired to bring accessibility inclusion to an array of engagements, including but not limited to:
We have some of our own presentations such as Building Your Employ-Ability, plus we deliver workshops and talks around topics that YOU are interested in having us discuss. We work with you to tailor a presentation or workshop geared towards the audience you are aiming to reach.
It is through these workshops and presentations that Access 2 Accessibility can generate a revenue stream that directly assists in funding our programs and resources to be delivered for free or low cost to people with disabilities and older adults.
Contact us by email: Info@Access2Accessibility.com
Below are some of the workshops and speaking engagements that Access 2 Accessibility has delivered.
Revenue from booking A2A to deliver workshops and speaking engagements goes toward us providing programs to people with disabilities and older adults for free, or low cost.
Mississauga Cycling Master Plan Update Workshop with Access 2 Accessibility
Wednesday, October 2024, at 7:00 - 8:00pm EDT
Access 2 Accessibility joined the City of Mississauga’s Active Transportation Team live virtual event seeking feedback for the updating of Mississauga's Cycling Master Plan (CMP).
Thursday, June 20th, 2024, Access 2 Accessibility celebrated Seniors Month by having an information table at the following events:
Ward 9, Mississauga, Seniors Fair
For more information on Ward 9 events on Councilor Martin Reid's website:
Events | Martin Reid (ward9.ca)
Ward 1, Mississauga, Seniors Fair
For more information on Ward 1 events on Councilor Stephen Dasko's website:
Councillor Stephen Dasko, Ward 1
Carassauga Ireland Pavillion
Sunday, May 26, 2024, at 12:00 pm - 6:30 pm EST
Access 2 Accessibility joined their friends at the Mississauga Sports Council with information tables
Mississauga Sports Council Website:
Home | Msc55 (sportsmississauga.net)
Mississauga Sports Week 2024
In-person events:
Saturday, May 9, at 11:00 am - 3:00 pm at the Burnhamthorpe Community Centre.
Saturday, May16, at 12:00pm - 4:00 pm at the Erin Mills Town Centre.
Access 2 Accessibility joined their friends the Mississauga Sports Council, in celebrating Sports Week 2024.
At our information table we ran a power point presentation showing accessibility in sports. We also promoted A2A's Adaptive & Inclusive Micromobility (AIM) along with
having many attendees fill out the AIM Phase 2 Survey.
For more info on the Mississauga Sports Council:
Website: Home | Msc55 (sportsmississauga.net)
Five Save Life Empower Ability
Thursday, December 21, 2023, at 5:30 pm - 6:30 pm EST
Re: 'Navigating Resources for Inclusive Living'.
Access 2 Accessibility's Founder, Carol-Ann Chafe,
was one of the panelists.
To learn more details:
Website: fivesavelife.org
Access 2 Accessibility at the Mississauga Sports Summit, presented by the Mississauga Sports Council.
Access 2 Accessibility was honoured to deliver two workshops at this event:
Access 2 Accessibility delivered a workshop for the EYET (East York East Toronto) staff to increase awareness and discuss opportunities to be more accessibility inclusive to their clients with disabilities. We appreciate EYET inviting us back to deliver our Building Your Employ-Ability workshop.
Virtual workshop for the Chartered Professional Accounts of Ontario (CPAO) in celebration of International Day for Persons with Disabilities.
A2A at Abilities Expo Toronto In-person Event
Access 2 Accessibility presented 'Building Your Employ-Ability' at the Abilities Expo held at the Toronto International Centre.
A2A members, Carol-Ann Chafe and Mary Daniel are people with multiple disabilities who have faced barriers in education and in business settings. These barriers did NOT stop them from successful careers and entrepreneurial ventures. Some of the topics discussed:
To learn more about the Abilities Expo: https://abilitiesexpotoronto.com/
To connect with Access 2 Accessibility: Info@Access2Accessibility.com
Entrepreneurs & Professionals, with disAbilities Meetup: https://www.meetup.com/Entrepreneurs-Professionals-with-Disabilities/
Virtual workshop at the Mississauga Writers Group.
Accessibility / disability affects many, even more than we think, as most don't disclose their 'hidden' disabilities. Along with the physical barriers face, we brought awareness of attitudinal barriers along with an overview of myths and misconceptions about people with disabilities. We shared some resources including those available from Access 2 Accessibility.
Live Virtual Event
Access 2 Accessibility joined our friends at Five Save Life who support and empower single parents. They had a 3 day workshop "How to help clients with disabilities". This was done during NAAW (National Access Awareness Day).
Access 2 Accessibility members Carol-Ann Chafe and Mary Daniel were a part of a panel presenting on Friday, May 28th.
To learn about the great work that Five Save Life does for single parents, go to: fivesavelife.org
Live Virtual Event held on Zoom
Link to the recorded event presentation: https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PL0g0W6rmb-beF5KFw2q1PgjRT1_hcaUma
Access 2 Accessibility's members Carol-Ann Chafe and Mary Daniel presented A2A's workshop: Building Your Employ-Ability
Wednesday, January 22, at 7:00 - 8:00pm EST
Entrepreneurs & Professionals with disAbilities
Topic: Business Model Canvas and Accessibility
Businesses, including entrepreneurs, should have a business plan in some format. For this event we are looking at the Business Model Canvas. It is less intensive than a full document business plan, and more detailed than a vision board plan.
Wednesday, October 23, 2024, 7:00 - 8:00pm EDT
Two campaigns promoted in October:
NDEAM 2024's theme is "Access to Good Jobs for All". In this event we discussed the pros and cons of entrepreneurship for people with disabilities and how to highlight your Abilities, above your disAbilities.
Tips were shared in how to determine benefits of being an entrepreneur or sub-contractor through the lens of accessibility.
Free Virtual Event for members.
To become a member and join over 550 other Entrepreneurs & Professionals with disAbilities click on this link:
Entrepreneurs and Professionals, with disAbilities | Meetup
Entrepreneurs & Professionals with disAbilities
Wednesday, September 25, 2024, at 7:00 - 8:00pm EDT
Topic: To disclose or not to disclose your disabilities in an interview or in initial contact with a prospective client.
Free Virtual Event for members.
To become a member of Entrepreneurs & Professionals with disAbilities click on this link:
Entrepreneurs and Professionals, with disAbilities | Meetup
Entrepreneurs & Professionals with disAbiliites
Wednesday, August. 28, 2024, at 7:00 - 8:00pm EDT
Online event.
Topic: Future growth of Entrepreneurs & Professionals with disAbilities
Free Virtual Event for members.
To become a member of Entrepreneurs & Professionals with disAbilities click on this link:
Entrepreneurs and Professionals, with disAbilities | Meetup
Wednesday, July 10, 2024, at 3:00 - 4:00 pm EDT
Free virtual live event.
Canadian Dental Care Plan (CDCP) offered by the Federal Government has expanded as of Thursday, June 27th.
As part of our Community Guest Speaker Series, we welcomed Citizen Services Specialists Kenya and Gajenthe from Service Canada.
This informative event provided details on the new eligibility criteria, the services that are covered, and other dental supports provided.
Global Accessibility Awareness Day 2024
In-house research and training on accessibility services in documents, social media, and videos.
A2A's Annual General Meeting
A2A's AGM on Tuesday, May 14
7:30 - 8:30pm
Held virtually
Monday, June 12 6:30 - 7:30 pm EST
Free in-person public consultation held at the Lakeview Village Discovery Centre, 985 Hydro Rd., Mississauga.
This was our last Phase 1 AIM Community Public Consultation of our micro-mobility for people with disabilities and older adults project.
Micro-mobility is a name applied to a growing list of personal transportation devices to get around in our cities and communities. Some we are familiar with such as bicycles, e-bikes, skateboards, scooters, roller blades, etc. Then there are those that many are not as familiar with such as recumbent bikes, hand-cycles, tandem bikes, companion bikes and more. We will touch on some of these in this session.
We are seeing bike share programs in many cities around the world. This is great, but people with disabilities also like to join in the fun with family and friends, or even just to go around on their own to do errands, ride through parks and more. We need to see adapted choices for people with disabilities and older adults.
Let's get accessibility inclusion to the table.
Phase One of Access 2 Accessibility's AIM program. we acquired feedback from in- person and virtual public consultations; and surveys, to hear what is needed for inclusion in micro-mobility.
For more information on our AIM project click the link below:
AIM (Adaptive & Inclusive Micro-mobility)
Stakeholder's Consultation
Wednesday May 31 12 noon - 1:00 pm EST
Free in-person #NAAW (National AccessAbility Week) event for community leaders and business owners (Lunch provided).
Location: Port Credit Royal Canadian Legion.
35 Front St. N, Mississauga
Adaptive and inclusive micro-mobility is good for business and tourism. Attendees enjoyed a light lunch as Access 2 Accessibility members Carol-Ann Chafe and Mary Daniel delivered a PowerPoint presentation and Q&A on the business case as to why to be supportive of adaptive & inclusive micro-mobility in our communities.
Thanks to the generosity of the Port Credit Community Foundation we are delivering this research study and presentations.
For more information on our AIM project click the link below: https://websites.godaddy.com/aim-micro-mobility
Wednesday, May 24 2023
6:30 - 7:30 pm EST
Free virtual public consultation.
Attendees were provided an informative presentation on micro-mobility for people with disabilities and older adults.
Micro-mobility is a name applied to a growing list of personal transportation devices to get around in our cities and communities. Some we are familiar with such as bicycles, e-bikes, skate boards, scooters, roller blades, etc. Then there are those that many are not as familiar with such as recumbent bikes, hand-cycles, tandem bikes, companion bikes and more. We will touch on some of these in this session.
We are seeing bike share programs in many cities around the world. This is great but people with disabilities also like to join in the fun with family and friends, or even just to go around on their own to do errands, ride through parks and more. We need to see adapted choices for people with disabilities and older adults.
Thursday, May 18 7:00 pm - 8:00 pm EST
Access 2 Accessibility's 6th Annual GAAD
(Global Accessibility Awareness Day)
Free live virtual event on Microsoft Teams.
Access 2 Accessibility held their 6th annual GAAD event that delivered the opportunity for attendees to learn some basics in creating more inclusive and accessible documents, letters, and social media.
Tuesday May 16 7:00 - 8:00 pm EST
Access 2 Accessibility's Annual General Meeting
Virtual event on Microsoft Teams.
Monday, May 8 10:00 - 11:am EST
Adaptive & Inclusive Micro-mobility (AIM)
Location: The Shores of Port Credit Senior Living
280 Lakeshore Rd. W., Port Credit, Mississauga.
This was the first of 3 public in-person engagements that Access 2 Accessibility will be delivering as part of our study on the needs and wants of people with disabilities and older adults when considering micro-mobility.
For more information on micro-mobility and our Adaptive & Inclusive Micro-mobility project click the link below:
Adaptive & Inclusive Micro-mobility (AIM)
April 24, 2023
Access 2 Accessibility presented their AIM project to community and Non-profit leaders of Port Credit, and beyond, at the South Mississauga Non-Profit Networking in-person breakfast meeting.
To learn more about South Mississauga Non-Profit Networking:
South Mississauga Nonprofit Networking | Mississauga ON | Facebook
Access 2 Accessibility 5th Anniversary
Date: Monday November 14, 2022
We shared what A2A has done since its inception, and what we are working on to bring more programs and resources for people with disabilities and older adults.
Giving Tuesday Nov. 29, 2022
We've heard of Black Friday and Cyber Monday providing great sales for our personal interest and needs. Then on the Tuesday, after Cyber Monday, is Giving Tuesday a movement and a day to support others in our communities.
Access 2 Accessibility is thankful for everyone who participated in Giving Tuesday and donated to support A2A.
Direct Funding for People with Disabilities for Independent Living
Wednesday, July 27, 2022 Virtual Event
Guest Speaker: Robyn Jackson
Direct Funding Resource Coordinator | Independent Living Waterloo Region
We learned about Direct Funding in Ontario for people with disabilities. Attendees: People with disabilities, family members and other caregivers to people with disabilities. They learned how this resource would be a benefit to themselves, loved one, or person who they know.
Direct Funding is an innovative program enabling adults with physical disabilities to become employers of their own attendants. Attendants assist with routine activities of living, such as dressing, grooming and bathing. As employers, participants are fully responsible for managing their own employees within a budget that is developed on an individual basis.
Direct Funding: Self-Managed Attendant Services in Ontario (dfontario.ca)
Independent Living Centre Waterloo Region: ilcwr.org
A2A's 5th annual GAAD event 2022.
Wednesday, May 18th, 2022 Microsoft Teams virtual event
Global Accessibility Awareness Day (GAAD) is celebrated with technology accessibility workshops from various countries around the world.
Speaker: Sandra Basheer, Microsoft Training Specialist.
Technology reflects the diversity of all who use it. This presentation showed how people can achieve more with the built-in accessibility tools and features in Microsoft technologies. It focuses on features for those who need to customize their settings for hearing, sight, and neurodiversity needs, as well as for those that wish to be more inclusive in the content they create.
Communication Accessibility in business, and personal, is important to provide inclusion for all in our virtual connections, which we are using more often especially during the Covid pandemic.
Tips and resources provided were in Windows and Microsoft 365:
• Microsoft 365
• Content in Word
• Content in Outlook
• Utilizing Microsoft Accessibility tools throughout the day.
To learn more about Microsoft Accessibility click on this link:
A2A's 2022 Annual General Meeting (AGM)
Tuesday, April 19, 2022 Virtual Event
Access 2 Accessibility's Annual General Meeting. Presentations included A2A's accomplishments in 2021 and some of our upcoming goals for 2022.
Inclusive Communities with Sunbeam Community & Developmental Services Ontario (DSO)
Date: Wednesday, February 9, 2022
Presenters, Service Navigators: Taquyaah Villaroel & Stephanie Sabia, and Diane Lillico, Supervisor Central West Region.
Sunbeam Community & Developmental Services, and Developmental Services Ontario - Central West Region provided information on the wide range of services and supports they offer.
Developmental Services Ontario (DSO) is the access point for adult developmental services funded by the Ministry of Children, Community and Social Services (MCCSS).
There are 9 DSO agencies located across the province: serving different regions. Developmental Services Ontario, Central West Region. DSO CWR helps adults with developmental disabilities access services and supports in their communities serving people who live in Dufferin and Wellington counties, Halton, Peel and Waterloo Region. DSO CWR is administered by Sunbeam Community and Developmental Services Kitchener.
Sunbeam provides programs, resources, and services to individuals & families, through their 3 operating divisions: Sunbeam Developmental Resource Centre, Community Living, and Development Services Ontario.
To contact Developmental Services Ontario - Central West Region : Toll free: 1-888-941-1121
Email: dso@sunbeamcommunity.ca https://www.dsocwr.ca/
Website: https://www.dsontario.ca/
Business Plans Virtual event
On Wednesday, January 12, 2022 we kickstarted 2022 with an over-view of 4 resources to create, or update, your business plan. The 4 resources for business planning that we reviewed plus discussed various accessibility in each:
This was delivered with the following two statements as a guide:
December 3, 2021 UN International Day of Persons with Disabilities
Access 2 Accessibility team and volunteers participated to help our friends at the Neil Squire Society and Makers Making Change aim for the Guinness World Record.
Goal: to raise awareness of the need for affordable assistive technology solutions for people with disabilities. On December 3rd, people around the world are invited to take part in a virtual do it yourself (DIY) assistive technology lesson to attempt to claim the GUINNESS WORLD RECORDS(new window) title for the most users to take an online DIY assistive technology lesson in 24 hours.
To learn more click on the links below:
Art Gallery of Mississauga Legacy and Border Crossings Conference
Tuesday November 16, 2021. In-person Event
Access 2 Accessibility's Founder, Carol-Ann Chafe, was a panel member.
Access 2 Accessibility was proud to be one of the organizations of The Legacy Engagement Project that was created to engage the AGM's partner organizations in experiencing how community-based arts can open a new sharing method in a safe space.
Legacy-and-conference | Art Gallery Of Mississauga
Wrap-Up of NDEAM & Small Business Week for People With Disabilities
October 27, 2021 Live virtual event
We discussed how National Disability Employment Month (NDEAM) and Small Business Week (SBW)means to you as a person with a disability. We can share what resources around NDEAM and SBW have been helpful, plus what we still need to see in resources for people with disabilities.
International Guide Dog Federation
October 13, 2021 Live virtual event
Community Guest Speaker, William Thornton shares information about the International Guide Dog Federation (IGDF). William is the Chair of IGDF and the CEO & Co-Founder of BC and Alberta Guide Dog Services.
BC & Alberta Guide Dog Service is dedicated to improving the availability of Guide Dogs, Autism Support Dogs, and PTSD Service Dogs; including breeding, raising/training more dogs, and continuing to give care to dogs that are currently with human partners.
Join us to learn about the International Guide Dog Federation and about guide dogs and the services they provide to so many people.
Home - International Guide Dog Federation (igdf.org.uk)
BC and Alberta Guide Dogs | 604-940-4504
Toronto Disability Pride March Intro
September 8, 2021 Live virtual event
Community Guest Speaker Janet Rodriguez presented on the Toronto Disability Pride March (TDPM). This year the TDPM is being held virtually on September 18th.
The Toronto Disability Pride March aims to promote a cross-disability atmosphere, that also recognizes other forms of oppression such as race, class, gender, sexuality, sanism, etc. They believe the disability movement is strongest in a harmony of voices, not one homogeneous voice. We ask all those who plan to attend the march to respect this approach and the other people within the space of the march.
This year they are focusing on the struggles and resistance of indigenous disabled people. Janet Rodriguez Bio
Accessible Travel & Vacations with AccessibleGO
August 11, 2021 Live Virtual Event
AccessibleGo is the only full-service accessible travel platform providing search, reviews, and bookings of accessible hotels, cruises, transport, and destinations worldwide.
With timely insights, comprehensive resources, and a dynamic traveler community, AccessibleGO is quickly becoming the one travel resource for accessible trips.
This free resource can help you plan, book, and check out reviews by other travelers to help you with your next accessible travel.
Website: accessibleGO.com – Accessible Travel Made Smart
Service Canada Benefits
July 28, 2021 Live Virtual Event
Community Guest Speaker: Chadi Manuel, Citizen Services Specialist, Citizen Service Branch, Service Canada presented an over-view of Benefits offered by Service Canada. Plus, he showed attendees how to use the 'Benefit Finder' and other useful information some which can be found in the links below:
Service Canada home page: Canada.ca
Benefits page: Benefits - Canada.ca
Makers Making Change with Neil Squire Society
July 14, 2021 Live Virtual Event
Community Guest Speaker: Suzanne Winterflood Central Region Coordinator, Makers Making Change
(program at Neil Squires Society.)
Makers Making Change leverages the capacity of community based Makers, Disability Professionals and Volunteers to develop and deliver affordable Open Source Assistive Technologies.
Makers Making Change (MMC)connects makers to people with disabilities who need assistive technologies.
Makers Making Change is a non-profit initiative by the Neil Squire Society, funded by the Google Foundation, the Government of Canada, the Vancouver Foundation, Winnipeg Foundation and many more. They’re committed to creating an international community of makers who support people with disabilities within their communities by creating accessibility solutions. MMC stands by the idea of social inclusion and a productive society that includes people with disabilities and gives them equal opportunity to contribute and participate.
They are the first organization in Canada to revolutionize how people collaborate on assistive technology projects. Their teams of makers and people with disabilities join forces to reinvent what’s possible for accessible open-source solutions.
They have a repository of various open-source assistive technology projects, with parts, instructions, and reviews to support makers helping people with disabilities in their community.
For more information about Makers Making Change, please visit www.makersmakingchange.com
Neil Squire Society LinkedIn - - https://www.linkedin.com/company/neil-squire-society/
(MMC does not have a dedicated LinkedIn account)
Suzanne's Bio:
Suzanne Winterflood, BSc (Hons), MSc, Regional Coordinator for the Central Region.
From a young age in England, UK Suzanne has supported people with disabilities. Since arriving in Winnipeg, Manitoba in 2007 she has worked in the technology sector ensuring equity for minority Canadians. Her role at MMC enables her to continue to support her local community by combining her knowledge, skills and experience. Even though they say “you can’t teach an old dog new tricks!”, Suzanne has learnt new maker skills 😊, and here you see her posing with her FIRST ever 3d printed MMC device, the jar opener! When she’s not in the office you’ll find Suzanne curled up on the sofa watching Netflix with her 3 dogs and 2 cats or connecting with friends and family from around the world either virtually or in person.
You can contact Suzanne at suzannewin@neilsquire.ca
Post-Covid Recovery/Return to Busines for People with Disabilities
June 23 , 2021 Live Virtual Event
As we see lockdowns and restrictions lifting, how do you, as a person with a disability, see yourself from a career perspective?
Were you able to continue your job or manage your business during the pandemic?
Were you able to find opportunities or other areas of growth that arose during the time of the pandemic?
Join us in a discussion session to what lessons were learned during the pandemic. People with disabilities already face obstacles when aiming to be successful. Putting the pandemic on top, how did this affect your career aspirations or ability to continue your business? This will be an opportunity for us to share what obstacles we faced and what resources we used to get thru the pandemic. We will also discuss how we, as persons with disabilities, will continue our career goals in developing or growing our own businesses in the Post-Covid era.
Geo-Mate (Post NAAW Event)
June 9, 2021 Live Virtual Event
Community Guest Speaker: Robert MacGregor
Director of Communications, GeoMate
Accessibility has always been at the forefront of Robert's mind, growing up with a brother who had cerebral palsy. He is excited to join the A2A community to talk about the ways GeoMate is creating more accessible sidewalk networks. A2A's Post-NAAW (National Accessibility Awareness Week) Event is an opportunity to learn about new AI (Artificial Intelligence) in the fight to create more accessible and walkable cities.
GeoMate is a location-based tools, analysis, and software company, headquartered in Waterloo, Ontario with a mission: 'To make the world accessible and walkable for everyone'.
GeoMate is a mapping service that leverages Artificial Intelligence (AI) and geospatial technology to analyze city safety and accessibility in. Founded in 2019 by co-founders Amin Gharebaghi and Nastaran Saberi, GeoMate strives to provide a customized digital mapping technology for those with disabilities. The companies goal is to make all of Canada more accessible and safer for everyone.
Every day, there are 17 pedestrians and 2 cyclists killed in crashes with vehicles, and over 120,000 people fall or slip on sidewalks. Studies show that most of these accidents occur due to infrastructure problems, including poor curb cuts, lack of visibility, obstacles, narrow walkways, steep slopes, and so on. The same obstacles that cause injuries and accidents, have also been found to be the root cause of inaccessibility for individuals that have mobility concerns.
This event was of interest to those involved with the following:
Website: GeoMate
To Contact Robert MacGregor: robert.macgregor@geomate.ca
Date: Wednesday, June 2, 2021
Region of Peel NAAW event was held to discuss how the pandemic has impacted the lived experiences of those with disabilities. Other items discussed included how the COVID-19 pandemic fundamentally changed everyday norms, challenges, inspirational successes and identified possible opportunities as part of our ‘new normal’ reality.
Through testimony and lived experience attendee’s will gain a better understanding of what the Region of Peel, and our partners, can do to break down barriers and promote inclusivity in the community. We all play a role in ensuring accessibility and inclusivity are foundational to our programs and services.
Speakers include: Keynote, Carol-Ann Chafe, Founder & Chair at Access 2 Accessibility
Who attended:
• Those with an interest in and/or provide relevant programs or services
• Community partners/service providers that provide services to the disability community
• Community partners/service providers who provide services to Peel residents
Wednesday, May 26, 2021 Live virtual event
We came together to learn about accessibility in transportation for pleasure or work. The Canadian Transportation Agency will deliver an over view of the accessibility they have built into their website, programs, and services thus providing a more accessible and inclusive way to travel throughout Canada. This event is a post-GAAD (Global Accessibility Awareness Day) and pre-NAAW (National Access Awareness Week).
Accessible travel is important whether for business, or personal. Allan Burnside, of The Canadian Transportation Agency, will present on the accessibility that CTA has included to ensure a more inclusive/accessible travel experience for people throughout Canada, from accessing their website to the travel itself on planes, trains, ferries and buses.
We heard about the accessibility built into the CTA and be able to ask questions during this live event.
On June 25, 2020, the Accessible Transportation for Persons with Disabilities Regulations (ATPDR) came into effect, providing a set of clear, consistent, specific and legally binding accessibility requirements for many transportation service providers. The ATPDR apply to large carriers and terminals in modes of transport under federal jurisdiction.
To learn more about the Canadian Transportation Agency accessibility go to their website link:
Accessible transportation | Canadian Transportation Agency (otc-cta.gc.ca)
May 12, 2021 Live virtual event
Access 2 Accessibility held its 4th Annual GAAD (Global Accessibility Awareness Day) Event. Once again, Microsoft will be provided an overview of accessibility in their programs and products to help people understand accessibility in technology for business and personal use.
Workshop provided by Microsoft Trainer Miguel Mojica covered topics:
Date: Wednesday, April 28, 2021
Time: 7:00 pm - 8:30 pm EST
Community Guest Speaker Glenn Barnes gave an overview of The Tetra Society and the amazing resource they provide to people in the disability community. He provided examples of some of the unique projects Tetra Society has created to increase accessibility; such as an adapted baby crib that provides a parent in a wheelchair to reach baby to pick up or tend to the baby's need. .
At Tetra, their focus is to find solutions to environmental barriers faced by people with disabilities. While these environmental barriers are a part of a person’s journey, we believe Tetra solutions help foster greater independence, quality of life, and inclusion. Tetra recruits volunteers who work with clients to design and build assistive devices that are custom-made for the individual – these are devices that are either not available commercially or cost-prohibitive. As a non-profit organization, Tetra raises funds to deliver this program, including covering the costs of volunteer travel and materials for devices up to $500 per project.
The scope of Tetra projects is just as diverse as the clients they work with. The work Tetra does addresses needs in different areas of a person’s life.
To contact Glenn Barnes:
Email: PeelRegion@TetraSociety.Org
To contact Tetra Society: Email: Info@TetraSociety.Org
Tetra Society Website: Home - Tetra Society of North America
Facebook: Tetra Society - Ontario | Facebook
Net Cle Website: netClé - Tetra Society of North America
Access 2 Accessibility AGM
April 14, 2021 Live Virtual Event
At A2A's Annual General Meeting attendees heard what Access 2 Accessibility has accomplished in 2020. Plus they got to learn about our upcoming events and more for 2021.
Attendees were given an over-view of A2A's:
March 24th Live Virtual Event
Guest Speaker: Runa Patel
Runa provided insight on careers in STEM for person with disabilities. She believes that empowering and educating others will bridge gap in STEM careers for persons with different abilities, thus, enhance inclusivity in many aspects of society.
This workshop focused on 2 main topics:
Accessible software used by person with different abilities to overcome barriers when pursuing career in STEM.
Resources providing opportunity for an individual from non-technological background to explore, and advance, in many career opportunities in STEM.
Runa Patel, Bio
· Runa works as a Product Advisor at Microsoft, supporting small and medium businesses. · Graduated April 2020 with Honors of Arts, in Psychology, from York University. · Received a diploma in Social Work. · Currently, working towards obtaining professional certification on Cloud & DevOps: Continuous Transformation from MIT. · Throughout her career, she has always been actively contributing to the community to make a difference in the lives of others. Currently she is:i) A board member for Access 2 Accessibility, a Federal non-profit.ii) Research assistant with OCAD University working on various STEM related projects to make Science content accessible for all. · While at York University, Runa worked for 2 years as a research assistant on Enabling Media for Literacy” (ENAMEL) project. The focus of the research project was to encourage learning Braille, particularly focused on children with visual disabilities; by developing, and evaluating, low-cost digital technologies including 3D printing, Raspberry Pi, Arduino, as well as open-source software. Runa believes having equal access to rapidly shared information is key to creating an inclusive society, and empowering people with different abilities and advocates for accommodations, accessibility, and having equal access to education and employment opportunities, for differently able individuals.
March 10th Live Virtual Event
We celebrated International Women's Day 2021. A panel of women with disabilities shared their stories and paths to becoming an entrepreneur or career professional.
The panel and moderator are from different generations, with different disabilities, who chose different career paths. We know women with disabilities can succeed in various careers.
Attendees will be invited to participate in the free live event by providing questions or comments to the panel.
Mary Daniel
Alicia Jarvis
Kassandra Szmidt
Moderator: Carol-Ann Chafe
To connect with presenters:
Kassandra Szmidt:
Alicia Jarvis:
Alicia Jarvis (She/Her/Hers), CPACC, CSM 🇨🇦
Alicia Jarvis (She,Her,Hers), CPACC, CSM | LinkedIn
Mary Daniel:
daniel taylor (@danieltaylor31) / Twitter
February 24, 2021 Live Virtual Event
Guest speaker: Jennifer Chadwick, CPACC, CUA
Lead Accessibility Strategist and Senior Product Expert, International SiteImprove Canada
Jennifer will talk about the W3C project called the Accessibility Roles & Responsibilities Mapping Methodology (ARRM). This is a team exercise to help assign ownership of digital accessibility fixes to websites and documents to the appropriate role – design, development, content and visual design.
Jennifer is the Lead Accessibility Strategist at Siteimprove. She helps organizations develop a strategy for integrating accessibility and inclusive design into ICT deliverables and adopting a culture of inclusion moving forward. She is a W3C Invited Expert, member of the IAAP and the ICT Accessibility Testing Committee.
Jennifer's Contact Info:
Jennifer Chadwick, CPACC, CUA
+1 647 952 0364
110 Yonge Street, Suite 700, Toronto, Ontario M5C 1T4
Link to Siteimprove Canada:
Siteimprove: Siteimprove’s software helps you achieve your digital potential
February 10, 2021 Virtual Event
Guest Speaker: Archie Allison
Director Access and Awareness , Variety Village.
Archie shared ideas and resources to welcome people of all ages and abilities to participate together! We are excited to promote accessible and inclusive sport/ recreation to ensure everyone can enjoy the benefits of healthy active living.
Archie Allison Biography
Mr. Allison began his career working with persons with disabilities when he was hired as a Program Instructor at Variety Village in 1984 and is currently the Director of Access and Awareness. Mr. Allison has been a tireless advocate for people of all ages and abilities. He has received many awards recognizing his work and advocacy. During his career at Variety Village Mr. Allison has assisted in creating many programs for children with disabilities. These programs focus on providing all children, regardless of their abilities, a barrier-free environment and curriculum in which to play. He has been a staunch advocate of inclusive participation. Mr. Allison was an active coach in Track and Field, taking athletes to the Windsor Games and Junior Games in Miami. From 1985 to 1990 he established integrated Leadership Camps providing opportunities for teenagers of all abilities to learn from their peers and gain independence while practicing important life skills. In his current position Mr. Allison leads a team who deliver Integrated Outreach and Physical Education programs to over 10,000 students in Ontario each year. Mr. Allison also instructs weekly classes at The University of Toronto, Humber College and Centennial College, where he teaches courses based on inclusive recreation. He has created and taught various certification courses on behalf of Variety. These courses are both theoretical and practical in nature. When he is not teaching, Mr. Allison sits on many volunteer committees devoted to the inclusion and advocacy of those with disabilities in the greater Toronto area. Some of his positions:
To contact Archie:
Archie Allison
Director, Access and Awareness
(416) 699-7167 Ext. 236
January 27, 2021 Virtual Event on Microsoft Teams
Stress Management Tools
Guest Speakers:
Dr. Katherine Plewa, Marcela Correa and Pauly Plewa.Co-Founders of Enterprise Stress Management
Dr. Katherine, Marcela, and Pauly discussed stress management tools followed by Q&A.
Work Hard, Rest Harder:
January 28 is Bell Let's Talk Day so this topic / virtual event was timely planned. During Covid we know people have developed, or even increased, their levels of stress.
Dr. Katherine Plewa, Founder & CEO
Katherine is a healthcare professional and clinical neurology consultant with a breadth of experience in research, rehabilitation, athletic training, and nutrition. She studied Kinesiology at McMaster University, receiving her BSc with honours in 2009, followed by a Master’s from the University of Western Ontario in 2011. She received her PhD in Biomedical Engineering from the University of Toronto in 2018, and today, she works as a clinical consultant with an interest in neuroscience, holistic health and wellness, teaches internationally, and continues to chase motorsports championships while developing new ways to manage stress in the workplace.
Marcela Correa Villada, Co-Founder & CTO
Marcela holds an MASc. in Biomedical Engineering from the University of Toronto. She has a breadth of experience evaluating and interpreting the needs and abilities of individuals with physical, learning, and mental health challenges. With more than 4 years of experience in testing, customizing, and training on assistive technologies, Marcela has extensive knowledge conducting accessibility testing in multiple platforms by analyzing user experience under multiple conditions and using technologies such as screen readers, switch access, voice recognition, and alternative format. Marcela is a member of the Board of Director of Access 2 Accessibility, a non-profit organization that aims to help support, empower, and network people with disabilities.
Pauly Plewa Co-Founder & VP of Community Engagement
Pauly is a true racer at heart, having raced motocross for 11 years at the highest level of amateur racing in Canada and the USA. In 2012, on the verge of his AMA professional debut, he suffered a bad crash leaving him instantly paralyzed from the chest down. Being the ambitious child athlete that he was, Pauly taught himself how to walk and race again by applying the tools he learned from his racing career to his rehab. Today, Pauly is chasing championships on four wheels, teaching people about safe driving, and sharing his story about overcoming disability and envisioning wellness.
Check out Enterprise Stress Management website to get more details, click link below:
Home | ESM (enterprisestressmanagement.com)
January 13, 202. Live Virtual Event
As a new year begins, we either create a new plan of action or update our existing one.
We looked at The Business Model Canvas and other planning resources. Accessibility features when using these plans were also presented.
Attendees also shared tools and programs they use to stay on track and how they create their Working Plan.
December 09, 2020. Live Virtual Event
Do you, or someone you love, have an invisible disability(s)?
Maybe the first question should be “What is considered an invisible disability (ID)?”
When we hear the word ableism, does this only apply to people with ‘visible’ or ‘physical’ disabilities’?
In the “disability world” are all disabilities considered to be equal? Do people with physical disabilities acknowledge that there are those with invisible disabilities and they too should be considered?
Let us have an open discussion around invisible disabilities:
COVID-19 hit everyone around the world, where we have seen disproportionately within certain sectors of society have been hit hardest, especially with seniors and people with disabilities.
December 3rd was the annual celebration of International Day for Persons with Disabilities (IDPD) day and the theme was 'Building Back Better'. But did we see COVID-19 supports to for people during the pandemic, and in the building back better, concrete services and supports addressed specifically towards people with disabilities? If there were concrete supports for people with disabilities, were invisible disabilities recognized?
Access 2 Accessibility members openly discussed their invisible disabilities creating a community in support and collaborations with one another.
November 25, 2020. Live Virtual Event
Since 2018 A2A delivered in-person events at 3 locations every month. In this event we discussed the goals for the Entrepreneurs & Professionals with disAbilities:
October 28, 202. Virtual Event held on Microsoft Teams
Community Guest Speaker: Ali Mohamed
October is NDEAM (National Disability Employment Awareness Month). Guest speaker Ali Mohamed from The Career Foundation discussed how people with disabilities are dealing with looking for work during the pandemic.
Ali's Bio
Ali's Contact Info:
The Career Foundation
2100 Lawrence Avenue West, Suite 102Toronto,
Ontario M9N 3W3
Telephone: (416) 243 - 0066 ext. 239
Email: amohamed@careerfoundation.org
Website: www.careerfoundation.com
October 13, 2020 Virtual Event on Microsoft Teams
AGM and Board Meeting
October 14, 2020 Virtual Event on Microsoft Teams
Our panel discussed how the Pandemic has affected people with disabilities from a personal and professional perspective. As a community we know that people with disabilities have been affected more than the mainstream public. We discussed and shared resources that have helped us and other members of our community
September 23, 2020 Virtual Event on Microsoft Teams
Community Guest Speaker: Michael Chin
We are all using online resources to connect and work from home even more during these Covid times. In this event we learned about using Microsoft Teams as a collaboration hub and virtual event venue, plus delved into its accessibility features.
Michael Chin Bio:
Michael Chin
Training | Eaton Centre
michin@microsoft.com | (437) 703-8651
To download the Microsoft Teams App:
September 9, 2020 7:00 - 8:30 pm
Virtual Event on Microsoft Teams
Community Guest Speaker: Thea Kurdi
Recording of the event is on A2A's YouTube Channel, click this link: https://youtu.be/m58hZyMqZQE
Thea Kurdi Bio:
Webinar Description:
To contact Thea Kurdi:
Vice PresidentDesignABLE Environments Inc.
918 Dundas Street East, Suite 212, Mississauga, Ontario Canada L4Y 4H9
Telephone: 905.278.0665
@tweetdesignable linkedin.com/in/theakurdi/
August 26, 2020 Virtual Event on Microsoft Teams
Community Guest Speaker: Dawn Campbell
Bio Dawn Campbell
Event Details:
For years Canadians with disabilities have been advocating for an accessible built environment and although progress has been made, we know we have a long way to go until that work is achieved. As we continue this work there is another area of accessibility that requires immediate attention. We live in a highly digital world of email, software programs, digital documents and social media.
There is an old saying "we don't know what we don't know" and as a champion for accessibility for many years. She delved into some key lessons learned about the basics of being inclusive as we move forward building websites, creating documents, and using social media.
Contact Dawn Campbell:
Direct: (613) 876-0495 |
Yonge Street, Suite 1801 Toronto, ON
August 12, 2020 Virtual event
Informative and engaging discussion with Community Guest Speaker: Charles Hall.
Charles Hall Bio
- Senior Accessibility Designer, CVS Health
- Principle Accessibility Consultant, Access.Today - Invited Expert, W3C Accessibility Guidelines Working Group & Silver Task Force (and member, Functional Needs; and XR Subgroups) - Chair, W3C Inclusive Design for the Immersive Web Community Group - Member, Ferndale Accessibility & Inclusion Advisory Commission
Helping people deliver accessible, ethical, and humane innovations for end users through inclusive design. With over three decades in the industry, I am at an ‘obsessed with giving back and paying forward’ stage of my career. I help people with accessibility issues, and contribute to as many global conversations on the topic as possible through multiple channels and communities of practice.
As part of one of the most ambitious efforts the W3C has embraced for the future of web accessibility (WCAG 3), I proudly stepped up to help author a list of human functional needs from which, new guidelines could be oriented from a point of need. This document intends to serve not only a wide audience of groups and large body of work within the W3C, but aspires to become a standard that serves academia, industry, organizations, and policy for the world at large. This work would greatly benefit from public review and comment. Let’s discuss it.
Contact Charles
Email: charles@access.today
LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/hallcharles/
Twitter: https://twitter.com/atCharlesHall
July 29, 2020
Covid-19 and Disability
Access 2 Accessibility members Mary Daniel and Carol-Ann Chafe discussed Covid-19 and disability: the pros and cons for people with disabilities
Mary and Carol-Ann are hands-on/tactile learners. Thus, it was difficult when being taught new tools and programs in the virtual world only.
Presenters and attendees discussed and shared the obstacles in their personal and professional lives during the pandemic, as people with disabilities.
See us for our Abilities because #WeAreAble
Community Guest Speaker: Alicia Jarvis
How do you prefer to be addressed: Person 1st ? or Disability 1st?
Alicia Jarvis presented to attendees regarding which way should should address us (PwD), and how do we address ourselves. Attendees engaged with comments and questions.
Alicia Jarvis is a disruptive force for change and thought-leader in an industry regarded for restrictions and compliancy, offering a positive perspective and innovative solutions to complex problems relating to universal usability.
Alicia was awarded the RBC Leo Award, which is RBC’s highest performance award. Alicia started at RBC initially as an intern in the IT Accessibility department. from there, she was brought on as a full-time employee in Quality Assurance.
In addition to her experience in Accessibility and Inclusive Design, Alicia has a social science background in Criminology, and prior experience in marketing, content management, research and program development.
Twitter: https://twitter.com/a11yalicia >
LinkedIn: http://ca.linkedin.com/in/aliciajarvis>
Alicia Jarvis, CPACC, CSM (Pronouns: she/her)| Inclusive Design Practice Lead |
It has been said that great leaders are born, as if preordained by destiny. Reality tells us that few people are born to lead. Leadership is not an inheritance but a skill that is accessible to anyone, particularly those who dare.
Paul aimed to take the "mystery" of what makes a leader. Leadership is a skill that any one can possess. The presentation showed the different types of leadership, which approaches work, and how someone can find their own style.
Paul Daniel has been an Audio Producer at Accessible Media for more than 20 years. Before that, he was a Political Assistant in the Ontario government and a candidate in a provincial election. Prior to that he was a newspaper journalist at the (now-defunct) PULSE Magazine. He's a Published Writer. Currently he is researching and co-writing, with his friend Joe Zammit, on a political biography of Louis St. Laurent, Canada's 12th Prime Minister.
He has been a member of Trillium Toastmasters, and has been an Area Director for Toastmasters along with being a mentor for a new club.
May 17, 2020, GAAD
Empowered by Technology with Microsoft Accessibility Tools
In a collaboration between Microsoft Yorkdale and Access to Accessibility, we delivered a free, virtual workshop on accessibility features in Windows 10 and Microsoft 365 relevant for personal and business life. Thursday, May 15, 2025, help us celebrate the 14th Global Accessibility Awareness Day (GAAD)! The purpose of GAAD is to get everyone talking, thinking and learning about digital access and inclusion, and the more than One Billion people with disabilities/impairments.
People playing adapted indoor Boccia
Suzanne Winterflood from Makers Making Change. Community Guest Speaker July 14, 2021.
Jennifer Chadwick, Community Guest Speaker on February 24, 2021.
Archie Allison of Variety Village. Community Guest Speaker, February 10, 2021.
Dr. Katherine Plewa. Guest speaker January 27, 2021
Marcela Correa, guest speaker on January 27, 2021.
Pauly Plewa, guest speaker on January 27, 2021.