Access 2 Accessibility (A2A) is a Nonprofit ran by volunteers. We provide programs, workshops, positive advocacy, and more, for people with disabilities and older adults.
A2A relies on contributions to operate, plus to deliver our programs and resources.
A2A does generate some revenue from speaking engagements, workshops, and accessibility consultations. To learn more click on this link: Services & Programs page.
A2A is also looking for people to volunteer with us. We have in-person and virtual opportunities available for you to get involved with Access 2 Accessibility. If you are interested, please email us at
Account Name: Access 2 Accessibility
Account Email:
Access 2 Accessibility
4130 Dursley Cres. Mississauga, Ontario, Canada, L4Z 1J7
You can decide where your contribution goes as listed below:
To connect with us via email:
Thank you for your contribution and support of Access 2 Accessibility.
Canadian Nonprofit #1049297-3